Woodland Outsourcing handles the management of your self-pay A/R and after-insurance balance. Contact us at 800-324-0781 ext. 3488
Goal of this Program is to quickly contact patients after discharge or third-party payment to:
• Secure payment in full or payment arrangements
• Indentify problem payers and quickly refer to a collection agency
• Uncover additional third-party responsibility
• Maximize cash flow from self pay A/R
• Lower self-pay A/R Days and Lower Bad debt write offs

This Program Will:
- Provide the Customer with a Positive Experience
- Determine Patient’s True Intentions
- Establish Patient’s Financial Responsibility
- Establish Regular Cash Flow from Aged A/R
- Identify Non-Performing A/R
- Lower Self Pay A/R Days
- Continually Monitor Accounts
- Send Monthly Reminders to Patients
Our goal is to maintain customer relationships and the Hospital’s goodwill by providing professional, courteous service that maintains the dignity of your patients. We understand the healthcare provider needs to maintain a high level of patient satisfaction in order to sustain and improve its position in the market place.
Woodland focuses on maintaining patient relationships, increasing self-pay cash flow and identifying potential bad debt risks early in the collection cycle.
We customize the collection process to meet the needs of each client. Woodland believes a fair compassionate payment plan nets the most dollars and preserves the patient’s goodwill. A patient pressed to commit to a large payment plan after being off work etc. forces many patients to give up all efforts to pay at all.